The Year that Changed Me: Reflecting Back on 2021

Lou Martin

The Year that Changed Me: Reflecting Back on 2021

I can't believe how far I've come along this year! 2021 was the year of my most significant financial gain with my blog ever! In addition, I started healing my mind, body, and soul by going on a health and wellness journey.

As I mentioned during my birthday, that there are some health issues I started focusing on this year, and my doctors wanted me to start making some lifestyle changes, or my health would start deteriorating as I get older.

So, I started cutting back on a lot of things. Not only did I start eating better, cooking more at home, and going to the gym regularly, plus cutting back blogging, but I also went on social media less, cut down on tv watching, and started living in the moment more.  

It's like I see life with so much clarity now. I feel happier, stronger, and ready for what life brings me.  

After my diagnosis, I found a new respect for life and what's important. But, unfortunately, I was headed down a downward spiral, not taking care of myself, and God had to show me the direction I needed to lead.

I prayed, letting my blog be part-time while I worked on myself. And God rewarded my continuous effort throughout this year by making the most money I've ever had, beating out my 2016 year

I guess the saying goes; less is more. And also, all the work I put into my blog from the beginning paid off to where I can focus on other areas of my life.

Since I focused on my health, I refurbished old articles, making them refreshed and reshared to my readers. As a result, there is no need to write only new articles. Google likes articles that got some age to them and when regularly updated. So, resharing old articles helped me when I didn't have new content to share.

Also, I turned down going to some events, letting go of some partnerships that no longer suited my lifestyle. It felt great to say no!

Plus, you lose your exclusivity if you're always saying yes to everything. And you burn yourself out. I didn't care if I hadn't posted on social media for weeks; my health and insanity are more important than keeping my social media updated. My followers know where I am, and that's here.

Although I made some cutbacks on blogging, there were moments worthy of praise.

For example, I did my Mother's Day social media campaign with Cantu, and they paid me the proper amount for my work instead of trying to undercut me as several other brands have. It was a pleasure working with them, even though they didn't know I was in a dark place, waiting to learn from my doctor if I had thyroid cancer or not.

Then, you got some brands who think you're worth only pennies, but yet, they were the ones contacting me to promote them.

I guess the brand failed to realize that they need me more than I need them. I know my worth and won't work for them if they lowball me.  

That's why I'm thankful for affiliate marketing. I can write about whatever brand I want and get paid with my writing and videos. That's how I can lay back and put my focus elsewhere—got to work smart!

I can't forget about writing my first article on another website, Cafemom, sharing about my girls showing me the beauty of natural hair. That's a piece I'm proud of and happy to share on a higher platform.

2021 Toyota Prius Prime Limited

The Best Car I Reviewed is...

Due to the virus, there have been many setbacks with many people, including the auto industry.  

If you notice, I didn't review as many cars as years prior, and that's due to the chip shortage. However, I shared more details about it in a recent post


But, all was not lost; I reviewed a few cars this year. And the one that stood out to me the most was the 2021 Toyota Prius Prime Limited due to the dual options of both gasoline and electric. We're headed in the direction of fully electric cars, with gasoline fading out. Hopefully, I'll review more electric-only vehicles in the future.

Thank You 2021 for the Growth

I don't know what 2022 has in store for me, but at least I'm entering the year healthier. My health and wellness journey will continue, and I will continue to take it each day at a time.

Oh yeah, I've lost 30 lbs. and hit my doctor's goal for me to lose 25 lbs. I'm proud of my consistency and dedication. I've always been a goal-getter, and I'll continue reaching for the top!

Also, I like only blogging a couple of times a week; I think I'll continue doing that as well.

End of the Year Trip Changed

Winter Getaway in Orlando Florida know how we do our annual end of the year/beginning of the year trip?

A change of plans happened with Mr. M wanting to make our trip over the Christmas holiday instead.

So, we returned to Orlando for a four-day shopping getaway, so the girls could spend their Christmas money at their favorite stores in Florida.

We booked our stay at the Marriott Harbour Lake, another condo resort, right across the street from the other Marriott condo we stayed in during Lauren's birthday trip in October.

Marriott Harbour Lake Orlando Florida

Marriott Harbour Lake is different from Marriott's Cypress Harbour Villas because Marriott Habour Lake is a much smaller resort that caters more to families with young children and teens. The condos are smaller inside compared to Marriott's Cypress Harbour Villas but still have ample space for large families.

Marriott Harbour Lake Orlando Florida

Marriott Harbor Lake grounds gives off the setting of being in Key West, FL, a place on my travel bucket list.

Marriott Harbour Lake Orlando Florida

Marriott Harbour Lake Orlando Florida

Marriott Harbour Lake Orlando Florida

Marriott Harbour Lake Orlando Florida

Marriott Harbour Lake Orlando Florida

Marriott Harbour Lake Orlando Florida

Marriott Harbour Lake Orlando Florida

Marriott Harbour Lake Orlando Florida

Marriott Harbour Lake Orlando Florida

Marriott Harbour Lake Orlando Florida

Beautiful grounds and peaceful. I managed to do several laps around the resort during my morning walk and admire the tropical beauty. And even on vacation, I squeezed in some gym time.

Marriott Harbour Lake Orlando Florida

Marriott Harbour Lake Orlando Florida

Marriott Harbour Lake Orlando Florida

Once again, thank you for continuing to support me all these years! Because of you, this is now my sixth year working for myself full-time.

I pray for continued success, good health, and blessings into the new year and beyond!

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