Reflecting Back on 2016

Lou Martin
Reflecting Back on 2016  via

Hey Yall!  I hope you had a happy, healthy, prosperous year!

2016 was a year filled with a lot of highs, plus some lows that ultimately turned my whole world around.

This is the year I embarked on a new journey of working for myself full-time without having a job outside my home.  In the beginning, this work from home life was a scary one, stepping into the world of the unknown taking risks.  My anxiety had me always in worry mode, thinking about the what if's, and my self-confident level became an all time low.  What's crazy is, I was fully prepared for this, over a year's worth of income saved, I had a plan, but still I stayed worrying.

I'll keep it real with y'all; I didn't believe in myself.  I stayed searching on job websites in search of employment if this whole blogging business would not work.  But I had to keep reminding myself that God has always been there for me, showering down his blessings upon me.  I have always been the one with the go-getter attitude, not to let this blessing pass me by.

I'm happy to say, making this leap of full-time entrepreneurship paid off in a huge way!  2016 has been the most successful year with my blog to date!

If you followed me on my other blog, you've seen I have shared my income reports, and how I made six-figures from blogging.  And this year, each month I never went below earning $10K a month.

So, people always wonder, how did I do it?  Can they do it too?

Yes, it's possible to make six-figures blogging, but it does take a whole lot of work, and I mean A LOT!

  • The main way I make money with my blog is through affiliate marketing, meaning, I earn an income when someone does a particular action on my site like sign up for something or buy a product using the links I provide.
  • Another thing, writing evergreen posts is another huge one that keeps me successful.  Evergreen posts mean that the post never gets old and stays getting consistent traffic.
  • Here something else that's imperative, having a niche.  Having a specific niche helps makes a blog become the leader and go-to place for that particular niche.  The more helpful and informative the niche blog is with keywords, the better it'll rank on search engines.
  • For years, I have been ranking on the first page on Google for my keywords.  Being on the first page help me receive consistent, targeted traffic.
  • Also, I dabbled in Google Adwords ads that helped boost my traffic even more with just paying $10 a day.  Not bad. 
  • With any business, you must invest in it, and I did quite a bit of investing this year, as mentioned, Google Adwords ads, Facebook ads, Pinterest ads, virtual assistant, graphic designer, stock photos, writers, camera accessories, etc.

Make sure to check out my eBook if you're looking to making money with a blog.

I told y'all that I had some lows this year, and it was more so on a personal level than blogging.  I had to start cutting people out of my life, keeping my circle small, I went into depression dealing with my old landlord, but that lead me into buying my first home, towards the end of the year Mr. M suffered a near-fatal car accident.

Make sure to hug your loved ones tight, because you just never know when it'll be their last.  Also, this car accident was a wake-up call for Mr. M, he works for himself too, but before the crash, he was always working, hardly had enough time to spend with the family.  Now he cut his work hours and makes the time.  He wants to work to live, not live to work.

Now lets me share some of my high moments this year!

1. I got to interview Kate Hudson!  And to think I was going to back out of it because of my nervousness.  Kate is a cool, down to earth chick that seems to take no crap, and had a mouth like a sailor.  LOL!

2. This year was all about self-care for me.  So I made sure to take care of myself since I'm always taking care of others.  I took naps, joined a gym, took vacations almost every month.  I had a ball!

3. I was featured in Woman's World Magazine!  Like I said before, because of me having a niche, the magazine was looking for a woman that does product reviews.  Thanks to this blog ranking high on search engines they found me and did an interview.  The minute it hit the stores my blog went viral!

4. My family and I went on a sponsored trip to the St. Croix, US Virgin Islands!  That will be a trip we'll never forget, a trip of a lifetime!  We still talk about it to this day!

5. I don't pitch many brands, they come to me, and I've worked with some fresh top brands this year.  Some of them I've formed long-term relationships with like JCPenney.  I love how companies keep me in the know about the latest products coming out so I can share it with y'all.  As always, I only share brands that I believe in and would work well with my readers.

6. Since I have more time on my hands, I attended some pretty dope events.  I got to mix and mingle with celebrities.  Before this blog, I hardly saw any stars cross my path; now I see them all the time.

7. As you know, I'm an affiliate marketer.  This year, I have added new affiliate companies to my growing list.  I love forming new partnerships and having my affiliate managers singing praises to me for all the work I've done for them.

8.  Since I work for myself, I get to spend more time with my girls at their school.  That's the huge purpose of this blog, being able to spend quality time with my kids, and no longer having to ask my boss to take time off when they have something going on at their school.

9. Out with the old, in with the blog design that is!  Once I had my graphic designer upgrade my blog layout, brands came knocking at my door.  What a difference a blog design makes!  The first impression is always a lasting one.

10. Have you noticed new ads on my blog?  I joined a new ad company because I was tired of making pennies with Google Adsense.  It was the best decision I have ever made!

This year has been one helluva ride!  I know 2017 has great things in stored for me, so bring it on!  No longer will I self-doubt myself, I'll stay hopeful and positive.  So, 2017 will be all about staying positive and believing in myself.

Also, I'm thinking about doing more micro-blogging on Instagram.  I get more interaction on Instagram than here.  (What's up with that?)  And yes, I need to start making more videos.  I'm a more visual person, so I like snapping photos, but I'll start making videos on Instagram more, more of an at the moment kind of videos.  I'm not all about that editing life; that ish takes way too long!  LOL!

Thank you all for continuing to support me on this forever growing journey!  I love and appreciate you dearly!

How was your 2016?

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  1. Lou, this was truly an awesome year for you. So proud of all your accomplishments and you continue to inspire me. Wishing you more success in 2017. You got this thang lady! Keep it up! God blessings upon you and your family. Thank you for all you've done to help me.#frommybigeyes

    1. Thank you Janet, and thank you for following along my journey. Also, I have been enjoying your growth with your blog too! Wishing you much success as well.

      Remember, I'm always here to help you.

      Cheers to a successful 2017!

  2. My father died in a car accident when I was 4 years old. So I'm very happy that your husband not only survived but is doing well now. Wishing you guys even more success and love in 2017. ☺

    1. I'm so sorry to hear that Sonya. :-( Know that your father is shining down at a lovely young lady, and is very proud of you!

      Thank you for your well wishes, and I wish you happiness and success in 2017, and years to come.

      Also, thank you for always being supportive, I truly appreciate you!

  3. Congrats on a fabulous year. Glad to hear hubby is on the mend. Wishing you peace and blessings in the new year!

  4. Wow! (I am clapping my hands.) Congratulations on a successful year blogging. I am following you. I am thankful for your honesty and digging your tips and ideas of how to monetize my blog. Money is important, especially when you like what you do. Thank you for sharing. I hope to become a successful, fulltime blogger. In 2017, I want to be more sociable and produce videos. I am excited for you and wish you a blessed, successful, and prosperous 2017. Happy New Year! #FollowingMissLouMae Signed,

    1. Thank you Regina!! If you ever need any help, please let me know. And thank you for following along my journey!

      Have a blessed, successful, and prosperous 2017 as well!

  5. Louida, I am soo proud of you! Kudos to a great year!
    p.s. I want to be like you when I grow up! ;)

  6. I'm so proud of all of your accomplishments! My blog traffic has dwindled down to damn near nothing #SoulCry LOL My engagement on IG is awesome now too and I'm almost like screw the blog but I know brands like you to have one so I basically keep it there just for sponsored content when it comes along. Continued success to you in 2017 and good health to you all!!!

    1. Thanks girl! Yeah it seems that people like seeing people more on social media than blogs. I much prefer people to follow me on my blog, but hey, I guess it better than having no followers at all.

      Cheers to 2017!

  7. You are an inspiration to all of us! Thank you for sharing your successes for 2016 and many more for years to come! Cheers!

  8. Great post! Reading posts like this always makes me want to push more and more!

    1. You got this girl! 2017 is your year!!!

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