Are Chemical Peels Worth it for Black Skin? My First Experience

Lou Martin

Are Chemical Peels Worth it for Black Skin?  My First Experience

I recently had my first chemical peel, and I would like to share my experience with you all.

I got a chemical peel because I started having a lot of dead skin on my face due to my weight loss; I also wanted to fade the dark spots I have due to acne scars throughout the years. 


My esthetician's recommendation was to do a light peel to help combat those two issues, so I decided to give it a try.

It's not recommended to get chemical peels during the warmer months due to avoiding the sunlight after treatment, so I opted to get it at the end of the year when it's colder.

What are Chemical Peels, and How does it Work?

Chemical peels range from superficial peels to deep chemical peels. Both kinds of peels are designed to improve the texture, tone, and appearance of your skin, stimulate collagen production and diminish fine lines and pigmentation.

Before getting a chemical peel, avoid using any exfoliating products, and also avoid using products containing retinol, alpha-hydroxy acid (AHA), beta-hydroxy acid (BHA), or benzoyl peroxide a few days before facial service.

Who Should Not Get Chemical Peels

Not everyone can get chemical peels, and the esthetician will ask you about your medical history and if you're currently on medication. People who should not be treated a chemical peel are:

  • Patients with active cold sores or warts, open wounds, sunburn, excessively sensitive skin, dermatitis, inflammatory rosacea, and a history of herpes simplex.

  • Patients who have taken Accutane within the past year.

  • Patients who are pregnant or breastfeeding.

How Much Do Chemical Peels Cost?

Chemical peels price depends on what type of chemical peel you do. Light peels price range from $100-$300. Medium chemical peel price ranges from $1000-$3000, and a deep peel can go upwards of $6000.

Since I have a membership with my Med spa, I only paid $55; however, if I didn't have the membership, I would've paid $110.

My Chemical Peel Experience

Are Chemical Peels Worth it for Black Skin?  My First Experience on Day 1
Day 1

During my chemical peel process, my esthetician laid me down on a chair and shared her steps during my chemical peel process.

Step 1: First, she cleansed my skin to remove dirt and impurities. 

Step 2: Second, she layered the chemical peel using a brush every five minutes three times all over my face. I held on to a small fan to keep my face cool because the chemical peel leaves a burning sensation for a few minutes after every chemical peel layer.  

Step 3: Third, the esthetician gave me instructions on my after-care.

The process of my chemical peel was about 15 minutes, so not long at all.  

While the chemical peel was on my face, it made my face red and tight. And, I had to leave it on for five hours before I could wash it off.

Most importantly, I had to make sure my face stayed moisturized with sunscreen and wash my face morning and night daily.

Are Chemical Peels Worth it for Black Skin?  My First Experience on Day 2
Day 2

By day two, my face was very red with rashes, irritation and was so itchy! It became very bothersome.  

There was no peeling yet on the 2nd day. So I was able to go out and run errands. 

Are Chemical Peels Worth it for Black Skin?  My First Experience on Day 3
Day 3

Day three is when I woke up to the bottom half of my face peeling. I believe the outer part of my mouth started to peel first because of my mouth movements. Then, gradually, the skin peeling started to move up to both sides of my face.

Are Chemical Peels Worth it for Black Skin?  My First Experience on Day 4
Day 4

Day four is when my face really started to peel! My face was a flaky mess! Think of it as your skin starts to flake days later after having a sunburn. Every time I would apply moisturizer or wash my face, dead skin would wipe off. On top of that, I was still having rashes, redness, itchiness, and irritation. Day four had me wishing I didn't do the chemical peel at all.

Are Chemical Peels Worth it for Black Skin?  My First Experience on Day 5
Day 5

On day five, much of my dead skin was already washed away, so I could see I was near the finish line. And what was left was a bit of old skin on both sides of my face and forehead. Still, my face was red and irritated, but the itchiness started to subside. Also, I was able to resume using my regular skin products like my toner and vitamin C serum.

Are Chemical Peels Worth it for Black Skin?  My First Experience on Day 6
Day 6

Now on day six, the majority of my old, dead skin was gone. However, I was still rashy and red. My dark spots were still there, but just a hint lighter. I would need at least three more chemical peels to see my dark spots completely fade away.  

And honestly, I don't think I want to do that. I'm not up for doing it again anytime soon from dealing with the redness, irritation, dehydrated skin, and downtime.

Chemical peels are not for everyone. Some people like getting them, and some do not like the experience.  

Before and After Photo After Getting a Chemical Peel on my Black Skin

As for me, I'm in the middle with it. The chemical peel did its job when it came to removing dead skin; however, I didn't like the irritation and itchiness. It'll take another week or so for my face to fully heal from my chemical peel.

The Products I used During my Chemical Peel Process

These are the skincare products I used during my chemical peel process:

Wash Face Morning and Night: Image Skincare Ormedic Balancing Facial Cleanser. It's a mild yet refreshing gel cleanser that's gentle on the skin.

Day Time Moisturizer: Image MD Restoring Daily Defense Moisturizer SPF 50. It's a moisturizer and sunscreen in one. It's lightweight and non-greasy that offers broad-spectrum UVA/UVB protection.

Night Time Moisturizer: Lancome Bienfait Multi-Vital Night. It keeps the skin moisturized throughout the night and brings you soft, glowing skin in the morning.

These are what I started using on Day 5 and Day 6:

DERMA-E Vitamin C Concentrated Serum- This serum helps support collagen health and minimizes fine lines and wrinkles.

DERMA-E Microdermabrasion- This fine-textured scrub buffs away dullness and roughness, smoothing out the skin.

After reading this review, and you think getting a chemical peel is not suitable for you, I highly recommend getting a Hydrafacial.

Hydrafacial is a medical-grade hydradermabrasion device that carries out a patented three-part regimen: cleansing, exfoliating, and then infusing skin with intensive serums. After treatment, you will notice a significant difference with your skin, revealing smoother, healthier, youthful skin. 

Hydrafacials are non-invasive and can be used by teenagers with ance, adults like me with dark marks, older adults looking to smooth out their wrinkles, etc. The facial itself takes about 20 to 30 minutes. Make sure to check out my post about Hydrafacials.

5 Tips for to Keep Your Skin Healthy

1- Apply moisturizer daily. Moisturizing helps keep your skin looking young and vibrant.

2- Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water daily. Stay away from sugary drinks.

3- Use sunscreen daily and reapply throughout the day when needed to protect skin from UVA/UVB sun damage.

4- Maintain a healthy, balanced diet.

5- Get plenty of rest.

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  1. Hi Lou. This looks like a harsh process. I can recommend my dermatologist if you need one. I used to have dark spots from acne too. My dermatologist helped me so much - I remember taking an antibiotic pill, using benzoyl peroxide, retina-A and something to fade the spot. All helped to clear it up. I have not had any break outs in years.

  2. Your post has made me see how much I don't want to get a chemical peel. Going through all of that sounds like a nightmare.

  3. Great info, thanks for sharing

  4. Hi Lou! thanks for sharing your experience and skincare regimen I'm glad it delivered you the result you wanted ;)

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