Summer Break Is Over! Now, What Will I Do With All This Free Time?

Lou Martin
Summer Break Is Over!  Now, What Will I Do With All This Free Time?  via

Summer break has ended!  Back to our regular schedule program around here.  Summer was washed out due to all rain; it was like a monsoon around here!  But we didn't let the rain affect our summer; we knocked off a lot from our summer bucket list.  I made sure to keep the girls busy; I don't think there was ever a moment of downtime.

Let me break it down to you of some of the stuff that we did:

1. MomoCon- This particular convention was our first, and one of the best anime, gaming, comics conventions we been to.  This was a gift to Lauren for her excelling in 6th grade, and I gave her a 4-day pass at the Con.  She is already in talks about returning next year.

2. Six Flags- To get the girls off their electronics, and not parked in front of the television, we had a fun day out at Six Flags.  We were mainly there for the water park because man, it was hot as heck and we needed to stay cool.

3. Center for Puppetry Arts- The girls and I love visiting this puppet center to see the puppet shows.  It's like it never gets old.  Always new shows for families.  The show we saw was Click, Clack, Moo: Cows That Type.  The center put their modern spin to the performance, but still a charming and funny story like the original.

4. AILLEA Beauty-  The girls and I had a fun night out of pampering and learning how to take care of our skin.  With the girls hitting the teens, it's vital for them to start learning a skin routine that works for them to keep their skin healthy.  AILLEA only sells natural beauty products which makes me happy my daughter is not applying products filled with chemicals.

5. City BBQ- Over the summer break, my goal was to try new restaurants.  Close to my home, a new barbeque joint, City BBQ opened up serving delicious authentic crafted bbq that is made from scratch.  When I walk in, I want to feel and smell like I'm walking into a smoker, and City BBQ didn't disappoint.

6. Xtremehopp- Xtremehopp is a trampoline park that the girls and I visited to let out all our energy and cure at-home boredom due to all the rain having us cooped inside the house.  For the first time, I got in on the action and hopped along with the girls.  Yes, I busted my butt on one of the trampolines, but at least I wasn't sitting on the sidelines, and my girls were much happier I participated with them.

7. Nashville- I wanted to do something different for our annual summer trip.  Instead of vacationing in Memphis, TN, we visited Nashville for the first time.  We stayed at the Gaylord Opryland, and wow, that place is gigantic!!!  We did a lot on our trip, make sure to check it out.

8. Comic-Con Atlanta- I saw Comic Con advertised on my personal Facebook page, and asked the girls if they wanted to go and they said it depends on who was going to be there.  I told them that the voice actor of Squidward from Spongebob is, and they happily said yes.  Comic-Con was fun with it being the first time in Atlanta.  It has some growing pains, but depending on who will be there next year will determine if we will return.

9. Disney's Newsies- I'm a sucker for live productions, love seeing stories come to life!  At the Aurora Theatre, we went to see Disney's Newsies.  Excellent play, as if I saw a Broadway show in New York.  One of the best plays I witnessed at the Aurora Theatre, hands down!

10. Dollywood- Good Ol' Dollywood!  We just can't get enough of that theme park!  Every time we go there is always something new going on.  Dollywood is my #1 favorite theme park, and I share why on my post.  The trip to Dollywood was an All-Girls Trip for the girls and me to have bonding moments together before school.

Now, girls are at school.  I have free time.  What am I going to do with myself?  Here are the things I'm going to do to occupy my time:

1. As you all know, I work for myself!  My blog is my business.  I'll be returning to my roots of reviewing products.  I have a stash of unused products I received over the summer that needs discussing, stay tuned for that.

2. I'm going to take as many uninterrupted naps as I can. I'll drop off the girls to school in the morning, then take a nap afterward.  But first I'll be getting back to....

3. Exercising!  I'm returning to the gym in the mornings.  During summer break, we as a family was going to the gym together at night, but that didn't work out since the girls didn't feel like going.  So now, Mr. M and I will return like gym buddies to get our exercise on together.

4. Speaking of Mr. M!  We'll be returning to having our Day Dates.  Day Dates are the best because of fewer crowds, lower prices at restaurants and movies.  We already been in talks on where to go to first.  I have wanted to visit Chateau Elan for a while now; it's a luxury winery and resort here in Georgia.  We live close by, so we'll have enough time to wine and dine before it's time to pick up the girls after school.

5. I seriously need to get back to reading again, and I don't mean reading captions on Instagram, or posts on Facebook.  I need to sit down with a good book, letting it take me off to a place to make my mind run free.  I'll be taking trips to the bookstore and buying me books to help my business and some fiction novels.

Summer Break Is Over!  Now, What Will I Do With All This Free Time?  via

I now have a 7th and 6th grader!  Before I know it, the girls will be graduating from high school, leaving the nest to take on this massive world without me.

This is why I do so much with my girls, time waits for no one, and I want to make sure to continue creating special moments with them.

Both girls are in middle school, and I'm ecstatic they are back under the same roof again.  It makes things more manageable, and make me feel at ease that they can watch out for each other.  Since I know how middle school works now, with Lauren attending last year, I'm much calmer with Michelle.  I know she'll be in good hands.

Cheers to another school year! 😄

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  1. You were busy this Summer. I love it. The girls will definitely be able to look back and say thanks for all the experiences. I did that too when my son was younger and now he rarely wants to hang with me. 🤣😂🤣 Sounds like you have a great plan to keep things moving. I certainly get it.

  2. You guys had a busy summer. I love weekday day dates. It's always less busy every where they, which is more enjoyable to me.

  3. You all had a full summer. I didn't know the girls were so close in age! My hubby and I used to have day dates when he worked weekends but I like the weekends off.

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