Christmas Recap and Annual End of the Year Trip

Lou Martin
Christmas Recap and Annual End of the Year Trip  via
My girls just came from visiting a retirement center to sing Christmas Carols to the elderly and make cookies with them.  Outfits are from The Children's Place.

Hey Yall!  How was your Christmas?  Did Santa give you what you wanted on your wishlist?

My families Christmas was a very laid back one.  We celebrated at home without visiting another family home, so it was great to have family bonding at our own house.

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On Christmas Eve, Mr. M had to work so the girls and I hung out in our PJs all day and built our first gingerbread house.  I think we did a pretty good job considering we never did this before.  We managed not to eat all the candy before we stuck it onto our gingerbread house, well we did eat a few gumdrops and sweet tarts.  But I will say that it was a pain to build, it kept falling apart.  Our icing wasn't hardening up fast enough, which created a longer time to decorate the house.  However, the time spending with my girls was priceless; I wouldn't trade that time for anything.

It was getting late in the evening and soon Santa was going to make his appearance, so I sent the girls to bed.  They both were fighting sleep, the excitement of knowing when they wake up the next day the tree downstairs will be filled with gifts and wondering what old St. Nick was going to get them. 

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I had to spy on them every hour to see if they were sleep so I wouldn't get busted placing gifts under the tree.  There have been times when the girls wouldn't fall asleep until 2 to 3 am which left me tired as heck, and yet they still managing to wake up before the sunrise.  Gladly, this year was different.  Michelle's fight with sleep didn't last too long, and she was down for the count at 11 pm, Lauren was right behind her at 11:30 pm.

Christmas morning, my girls were up bright and early, before the sun was shining.  They woke me up, and I looked at my clock telling me it was 5 am and some change.  Ummm....nope!  I'm not getting up!  Y'all is going to need to wait!  I allowed them to go through their stockings, and I quickly went back to sleep.  They hovered over their gifts with such delight in their eyes, and the anticipation was killing them having to wait.

7:30 am rolled around, Mr. M and I got up, then watched the girls tear open their gifts. 

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Christmas Recap and Annual End of the Year Trip   via

Christmas Recap and Annual End of the Year Trip   via

Christmas Recap and Annual End of the Year Trip   via

Christmas Recap and Annual End of the Year Trip   via

Christmas Recap and Annual End of the Year Trip   via

Christmas Recap and Annual End of the Year Trip   via

Christmas Recap and Annual End of the Year Trip   via

Christmas Recap and Annual End of the Year Trip   via
Lauren made this Snowman canvas for me.  She is becoming quite the artist, just like me!

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Christmas Recap and Annual End of the Year Trip   via

Christmas Recap and Annual End of the Year Trip   via

Christmas Recap and Annual End of the Year Trip   via

My daughters loved all their gifts they received, gathered it all up to take upstairs to their room to never be seen or heard from again!  LOL!  It was like, do I still have daughters anymore?  They were busy playing with their new toys and playing with their latest game system, WiiU.   I'm glad we got them the WiiU because the XBox One they have doesn't have a lot of kid-friendly games, and I heard the PS4 is not as kid-friendly either.

One of the biggest gifts that I give to my family is our annual End of the Year trip.  Usually, we go to one of the amusement parks in Florida to ring in the New Year, but this time, we wanted to do something different to avoid the crowds.

Can you take a guess where we are going?  I'll give you a hint, we went to this place this year and fell in love with it.

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  1. Hi Lou....Happy Holidays. Those are some awesome pics. I just the girls outfits taken by the fireplace. So glad you had a wonderful Christmas day with the girls. Unfortunately, all my plans for Christmas were cancelled when I came down with chicken pox/Shingles. So I had to spend Christmas at home. Thank goodness my wonderful parents for coming and preparing the mreal. I'm still home recuperating.

    As for your end of the year trip. I'm going to guess Tennessee...Smokies- Wilderness...wherever you are going, I hope you have a wonderful time. Yall be safe on the roads...

    1. Oh no!!!! Chicken pox/Shingles is the worst! I had chicken pox before I was a teen and it was miserable! I hope you get better soon.

      Nope, no Tennessee. Thanks Janet, have a Happy New Year!

  2. The girls looked like they had a wonderful Christmas #goodmommy I must admit, that it's nice not having to get up at the crack of dawn anymore - we slept in until almost noon! Looking forward to a prosperous New Year. Enjoy your family vacation, you definitely deserve it!

    1. They sure did Sis! I can never get them out of bed for school, but on Christmas they can't get me out of bed, LOL!

      Have a Happy New Year!!!! Thank you for always supporting me!

  3. Love the annual end of the year trip idea. I am starting to do traditions around here but can't quite get on the same page as the hubs. Be safe and Happy New Year

    1. We do the end of the year trip to celebrate our accomplishments during the year. I hope your hubby would jump on board to start family traditions. Traditions are memories that will last forever.

      Thanks girl, have a Happy New Year!

  4. Pookah got a wii-u too! And I love the idea of an end of the year trip! We might have to start that tradition next year!

    1. Yes LaShawn, start the tradition. Depending on where you go, you can find low price deals.

  5. It looks like your girls had a great Christmas ☺ My kids love playing the WiiU too. They love all the Mario games and Wheel of Fortune. I love playing Wii Fit U and Wheel of Fortune too.

    1. I need to find the Wii Fit U for myself! I couldn't find it at Best Buy, it must've been sold out.

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