How to Save Money with Coupons Without Being a Extreme Couponer

Lou Martin
How to Save Money with Coupons Without Being a Extreme Couponer  via

If you've watched any reality shows about extreme couponing, you may think that only people with far more time or interest in coupons are the only ones that save a lot of money. While those reality shows can be entertaining, it's important to realize that they only depict a tiny percentage of people who use coupons to save money. If you merely want to use coupons to spend a little less but don't want to dedicate your life to extreme couponing, the good news is there are plenty of simple ways to accomplish your goal:

Print or Digital: One of the most common questions that people have about coupons is whether they should actually cut them out or search online. The answer to this question is that both options can be useful. While the Internet provides access to a broader selection of coupons, local newspapers and flyers can contain great print coupons as well. When you're getting started, it's definitely worth looking through both print and digital sources. As you progress, you may find that one option consistently yields better results for your specific needs.

Know the Policies and Terms: Anyone who watches a coupon reality show quickly discovers that this pursuit has its own terms and style of language. While you don't have to achieve fluency before you can start successfully using coupons to save money, there are a few terms that are especially useful to know. The two most significant are double deals and stackable coupons. The former refers to specific times when a coupon's face value is worth double, while the latter means that both store and manufacturer coupons can be used together. Every store has different policies, so you'll want to get a clear answer from any establishments that you plan to frequent.

Stay Organized: Since clipping print coupons and scouring the Internet for money-saving coupons to print out can result in lots of piles of paper, it's essential to develop a system that makes it easy for you to stay organized. Not only do you want to know what coupons you have, but just as importantly, you want to know when they expire. There's nothing worse than finding an awesome coupon, only to lose track of it and not rediscover it until it's already passed its expiration date. Even if you plan on remaining a recreational couponer, it's worth picking up a binder and some plastic organizational sheets. This will make it easy for you to develop and hone a system that works in whatever way you want.

Time Your Shopping Trips: If you plan on using more than a coupon or two, it's worth timing your trip to the store during a period when it's not going to be packed. This will allow you to scoop up lots of great deals without feeling totally stressed throughout the experience.

Here are some coupon websites you can join for free: 

1. Coupons- You can access and print coupons from the largest selection of grocery coupons on  Get exclusive offers from top leading brands not found anywhere else, earn cash back, and get loyalty coupons for being a member of

2. Ebates- You already shop online, so why not get paid for it! Ebates provides cashback to over two million of their dedicated members. Since 1999, members have earned over $100 million in cashback savings from 1,800+ stores!  Joining is free and you get a $10 gift card after your first purchase of $25 or more.  Here is how Ebates works:

  • Get started by adding your credit and debit cards to your account.

  • Find an in-store cashback offer you like and link it to your card.

  • Pay with your linked card in stores and get cash back.

3. Valpak-  You know those envelopes you get in the mail filled with coupons from local and national businesses?  Those blue envelopes are from Valpak.  And did you know that Valpak offers online coupons as well?  Make sure to check them out!

4. At, you can search for coupons from your favorite retail stores.  Before you shop online, go to RetailMeNot to see if they have a current coupon.

5. SmartSource-  Enter in your zip code and SmartSource will provide you with coupons in your local area.

6. Shopkick-  Shopkick is the shopping app that rewards you with FREE gift cards for the shopping you already do, while you still save on your budget money! Join the millions of Shopkickers who have earned over $63.8 million in points that they use to redeem free gift cards to shop at Starbucks, Walmart, Sephora, Walgreens, Marshalls, TJ Maxx, eBay, Groupon and more.

7. SavingStar- No clipping, no printing, no mailing with SavingStar. Earn cash back on your groceries with exclusive freebies, coupons, and big savings on your favorite brands. Link deals to your store loyalty cards or submit a picture of your receipt to earn money in your SavingStar account.  There are more than 70,000 locations to shop on SavingStar.

Make sure to check out all of these awesome coupons too.

What are some of your couponing tips?   Do you know of any other coupon websites?

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  1. I am a huge fan of Cartwheel by Target- it is a free app that provides extra discounts! I am also a fan!

    1. I never heard of Cartwheel by Target. I'm always shopping at Target so I'll make sure to download the app. Thanks!

  2. I love coupons!! But I do need to be more organized with them!!


    Ps Thanks for adding the site links!

  3. I <3 coupons! It takes me about 2 hours to get organized and clip, but I save $80-$100 or more. That's worth it :)

    1. I really need to start clipping coupons because I would save a ton of money. I usually only do digital coupons.

  4. We print coupons, but only for the brands we already purchase. Gone are the days of carrying a binder through the store!

    1. I never did the binder full of coupons. I'm like you I just print my coupons of brands that I want.

  5. We have only few stores offering coupons nowadays. Best tip I have: if you cut a coupon, don't forget to use it - as I usually do!

    1. Don't you hate it when you remember you have a coupon and find out it has expired? D'OH!

  6. I love my digital coupons. Publix's website and cartwheel on my phone really help me keep up.

    1. I need to download Cartwheel app ASAP!

  7. I love coupons...just try to use them only for things I need. I have to remind myself that just because I can get something for a great price or maybe even free doesn't mean I need to get it...

    I often get my coupons online now since I can target the products I need or use. :) Thanks for sharing.

    1. Yeah I do the same thing by only using coupons on the products I need.

  8. I love Target. Headed over to download their app now. I just learned something new! I'm trying to get better about couponing without investing hours that I don't have.

    1. I'm about to download the Cartwheel Target app too! Something new that I learned today as well!

  9. Awesome tips! I need to get back into using coupons more!

    1. You should Kathe to start saving some money!

  10. Don't be mad at me, but I don't use coupons at all. My mother in law is a moderately extreme couponer and I don't think she likes that I don't use them.

    1. Wow Robin! You're the only person I've ever met that doesn't use coupons!

  11. I used to use coupons diligently but, have gotten away from it... I need to check out the Target app so I can utilize them on what I do buy... thanks for all the great tips.... Cathy

  12. I love coupons, they have saved me so much over the years... I am not too extreme, but I always seem to have a coupon for something!

  13. I like to use apps over paper coupons hadn't heard about the one from Target going to download that bad boy right now! Thanks Lou!

    1. I just downloaded the app too Cookie! I can't wait to start saving money with Target!

  14. Anonymous2:53 PM

    i try to use coupons but i'm not consistant. If i had a good system I'm sure I could save some real money

    1. Just using coupons with the things you already buy will help you save money Melinda, no need to learn a system.

  15. I am a big fan of the digital coupons that I can load to my grocery card. That way I can still get the savings, even if I forget my paper coupons at home.

    1. Grocery store rewards cards are the best!

  16. I love coupons but I go through waves of couponing then times when I don't use as many. It's all about balance.

  17. Great tips! I sort of gave up on couponing when I didn't have 40 hours a week to devote to it. Thanks for the reminder that it doesn't have to be all or nothing.

    1. Yeah you don't need to devote full time to couponing in order to save money.

  18. This was a very cool post, and I've bookmarked it. I have never mastered the art of even the most basic approach to couponing. I remember how, when I was little, I'd accompany my mom to the grocery store, and she had her envelope with all of her coupons organized by product...

    I used to love watching her handle them. I'm actually nostalgic for that time! (Sounds strange, I know.)

    1. LOL Courtney! I remember back in the days I would see ladies with envelopes filled with coupons and now I'm seeing ladies with binders.

  19. I'm not very good at following through with my coupons. I will print or clip them and never use them. I'm definitely working on getting better about this!

    1. I forget a lot of times about my coupons and then once I remember it has already expired.

  20. Thanks so much for these links. I use coupons, and groupons, for just about anything. The savings is better in my pocket than in the company's. Stopping by via the Bloggers on Blogspot FB group. :-) Cheers!


    1. Thanks for stopping by Kelly! I actually never used Groupon before but I always receive their emails and they offer such great deals.

  21. anything i can use from my phone ! bringing a coupon binder places isn't doable anymore for me

    1. I can't believe I still see people with a binder filled with coupons.

  22. Thanks for these great tips! I have really been wanting to coupon but don't know where to start!

  23. I love digital coupons! I never remember to use paper ones! It's nice being able to just scan my store card and watch the coupons come off!

    1. I know right Amy! I love seeing me total go down!

  24. Great list, I'll have to check out all of those websites! I love shopping at walmart and price matching!

  25. Since we started buying mostly produce and meat (and avoided processed stuff) I don't use coupons as much. However, I do still use them for cereals, cleaning supplies and toiletries. Digital are my favorites now- they're so much more convenient!

  26. These are great tips. I am always so envious of those shows where people save so much money. I wish I could be that organized with coupons! Thanks for these websites!

    1. At first I wanted to do extreme couponing after watching those shows but the people dedicate themselves to it full time and I don't have the time for it.

  27. I love these tips! I was an "extreme couponer" for a while and while the getting was good... in the end the stress and time it took to do really did me in. These tips are perfect for those wanting to save w/o the extra stress!

    1. Hey Dawn! It's great to see that you were once a extreme couponer. I figured it took way too much work so I decided not to get into it and plus I never have the time.

  28. Thanks for these tips! Extreme couponing is so overwhelming. I like knowing there are simpler ways to save.

    1. Yes Shell, extreme couponing is way too much work!

  29. Staying organized is a MUST for me, especially with couponing. It would sometimes take hours just to prepare my shopping list and gather my coupons. Trying it the extreme style is a FULL time job!

    1. It is a full time job couponing and that is why I never did it.

  30. Couponing and budget shopping are new ideas for me to pur into practice and I am enjoying the savings I am getting.

  31. I'd love to do more print coupons. Some of the stores in my area won't accept them. I haven't tried the digital yet. - Jenn @ The Rebel Chick

  32. I honestly don't use coupons as much as I should. Every once in a while I do

  33. Great daughter is excellent at couponing ans saving money! She is always helping her Mom save $$$$

  34. I don't buy process food at all. So the only coupons I use are for toiletries and cleaning supplies and use them whenever possible.

  35. I am starting to use coupons more. It feels good to save money!

  36. I've got to head into town today. I already put my coupons in my car so I wouldn't forget 'em. :)

  37. Someone is giving me free newspapers, but the amount of time it takes for me to go through them compared to the amount I use is ridiculous. I go to Aldis a lot and get fruit and deli at a market, and so most of those items don't have coupons. Anytime I buy online, I try to go through Ebates and look up coupon codes first. (creative K Kids)

    1. I haven't been to Aldi's in awhile. I have one right up the street from me and I need to start shopping there more because they have great prices.

  38. Before I go to Target, I always visit their online coupons and their Cartwheel. Together all the savings really add up!

  39. So I've gotten away from a lot of the paper coupons and now go digital. I still do some paper ones but now I'm more focused on apps like Ibotta, Checkout 51, Cartwheel, Receipt Hog, Saving Star, Jingit, and more. They are excellent apps and it some me time.

    1. I'll be checking out those apps you have provided, thanks Camille!

  40. I love using coupons but always feel that I am not getting the most I could out of them. This is a great help. Thanks.

  41. I rarely use coupons, but when I do, I always feel like a jerk handing over one single, solitary coupon to the cashier. For some reason, I always run into issues with them having trouble with the scanner (or the product rings up funny). It would be wonderful to save a little bit of money on our shopping trips, though. We need it! Thanks for sharing these resources, Louida!

    1. Don't feel like a jerk Autumn. I use one coupon too all the time.

  42. I make my lists ahead of time, that way everything is ready to go on shop day

  43. Great tips! I generally stick to using coupons I find in store or hunting for deals when shopping online :)

  44. I love to coupon, but am not extreme. I stick to my favorite stores and sales I need so I don't get overwhelmed.

    1. That's really good! I'm the same way.

  45. Thanks for the coupon sites! I used to coupon all the time and got lazy about it.

  46. I am a really big couponer, but a "realistic: one. When you watch the TV shows, you will see that most of the couponers featured are not buying a week's worth of food, but just random items. The stores also override many of their coupon limits to allow for the big hauls. My best tip is to shop at Target. Not only can price matching, you can use manufacturer coupon with their Target store coupons AND their cartwheel app all at the same time.

  47. I wish there was an edit button like on Facebook.. LOL.. I really messed up that last line.. It should say.. Not only can you price match, but you can also stack manufacturer coupons with their Target store coupons (found on their website), and use their cartwheel app all at the same time..

    1. That's good to know Pam! Thanks for the awesome tips!

  48. I use Ebates and Retail Me Not on a regular basis. I love to get those Ebates checks in the mail!

    1. I'm always using Retail Me Not, I love that website!!!

  49. I've been doing the digital thing on my phone more and more. The apps have slowly gotten better, which makes a world of difference.

  50. These are great tips! I used to coupon a ton. Now I feel like I have a lot less time on my hand with 4 little ones so I don't want to manage paper coupons and I pretty much gave up. I may have to try again printing coupons that matter to me.

  51. One of the things that annoys me about couponing is when stores don't hold to their own policies. Our local Walmart changes their rules from one cashier to the next and it's super aggravating.

  52. not a couponing tip but money saving. I find most meat is marked down on Tues (after the weekend) and that's when I stock up!

  53. I live for my coupons, freebies and deals! Hugs...RO

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