Different Ways to Make Money From Blogging in 2024

Lou Martin
Different Ways to Make Money From Blogging

Blogging has now become my main source of income and my business.  I left my job back in 2015, and haven't looked back.  I started blogging back in 2008 as just a hobby, but my passions grew and so did the money I earned with both of my blogs.  

Related Article: Blogger to Business- My Blogging Journey

Making money from my two blogs was not easy- it took a lot work, a lot of learning, and a whole lot of writing.  If you're not a writer then blogging is not right for you.  Maybe you can look into making online videos through YouTube and earn money from that.

When people find out that making money from blogging is possible, they're in a complete shock.

I've taught many people how they too can monetize their blog and this post will tell you ways to do it.

Affiliate Marketing

I wanted to start off talking about earning money through affiliate marketing because this has been my main way to make money from my blogs.  No need to sell anything and all you have to do is write a post and include affiliate links in it.  What ever your niche is, find a affiliate marketing program that fits your blog topics.  There are 4 different types of affiliate programs:

  • Pay Per Click
  • Pay Per Sale
  • Pay Per Lead
  • Pay Per Call

I like to do Pay Per Lead because the pay is better than Pay Per Click and also I'm not selling anything.  Income through affiliate marketing can be passive if you have the traffic coming to your blog.  My income is continuous and I'm making money throughout the day and even in my sleep!  If you're not incorporating affiliate links in your blog post, you're missing out on a lot of money!

You work hard at advertising your blog post in the beginning and then once traffic starts to hit, the money starts pouring in.  You can use affiliate banners but I like to use textual links within my blog post because I get a better conversion rate that way.

Affiliate Marketing Programs I like to use:

1. Panthera Network

2. Google AdSense

3. MaxBounty

4. ROI Rocket

5. Amazon Affiliate Program

Sponsored Post

Sponsored post has been becoming very popular lately since businesses sees how much of an influence bloggers are.  Bloggers get paid by brands to write post about their company or a pre-written article that is given to the blogger to be posted.  The payment is usually a one time deal so if doing sponsored post is the only way bloggers make money they have to do it a lot.  But don't make every post be a sponsored post or your readers will not think you're trustworthy and just out to make money.  Make sure your sponsored post flows with what your blog is about.  If you're looking to make money doing sponsored post, head over to my blog post that has a master list of companies.

Paid Advertisement

If your blog has good traffic, you can sell a ad space on your blog.  You can do monthly or yearly placement banner deals.  Make sure to not flood your blog with advertising banners or you'll take the risk of your blog uploading slow and also it looks spammy.  I actually don't do this with my own blog because I have no space for it.  I know I'm missing out on money but I prefer to add my affiliate banner ads.

Sell Your Own Products

Have you created a product?  Place it on your blog!  Write blog posts about the different products you have created- do posts like tutorials, how to's, etc.  You must write a post in a way to show the reason why your readers needs your product which better helps to make a sale. The more you explain about your product, the better chances you'll make a sale.  I currently don't have products to sell but I help businesses promote their products on this blog- that's why I'm a brand influencer!  And that's something you can do as well is ask a product review blogger to review your products on their blog and have them link back to your own blog.

Write eBooks (Books), Courses, and Seminars

Are you a very knowledgeable at a certain niche, write a eBook about it.  Write a blog post teaser about your eBook and then add a link to your eBook so your readers can buy it.  I haven't written a eBook before but so many people say I should, but I never have the time to do it.  I'll be adding it on my To-Do list.  I've seen many bloggers like Problogger make a lot of money doing eBooks and you can too!  You can create courses to help bloggers with what ever topic you're knowledgeable in and also do paid seminars.

Blog Flipping

I haven't done this before but you can start a blog, create content, build traffic to it for a year or two, and then turn around and sell it.  A great place to go to sell your blog is Flippa.  Also you can sell your domain URL and Apps.

Sell Your Services

Are you a freelance writer, speaker, or maybe a consultant?  You can sell your services on your blog.  If you're a expert with a certain niche then you can sell your services to your readers.  I've been seeing bloggers doing this a lot lately and it's the prefect way to get your name out there, especially if you do speaking events.

Sell Merchandise

I've seen a lot of bloggers sell t-shirts that includes their blog logo on it.  You can create pens, buttons, bumper stickers, etc. with your blog logo on it.  Have your readers buy your merchandise and have them display it on sites like Instagram and tag them for your appreciation of them buying your merchandise.


Don't be shy to ask for donation for your hard work.  You can place a donation button on your blog so your readers can donate to you.

Top 5 Ways to Have a Successful Blog

So there you have it, ways to make money with your blog.  Remember, it takes traffic to make money.  Traffic = Money

If you found this post helpful, please make sure to share it! 

What are ways you make money with your blog?

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  1. Louida, you've outdone yourself here. Really, you have. Thank you so, so much for "dropping the knowledge."

    This post has been bookmarked, for sure. Heading to twitter to share now...

    1. Thanks so much Courtney! My blogging buddy Cookie requested that I write a post about different ways to monetize your blog. I'm glad I did because I see so many people wondering is it possible to make money blogging.

  2. Wow thanks so much Lou! I had no idea about so many of these ways to monetize I've been trying the pay per click but I'm not seeing anything come in from that now I have some more options!

    1. Yeah Pay Per Click like sites like Google AdSense is pretty hard to make a decent income unless you have a ton of traffic.

      Thank you so much Cookie for asking me to write this post. I have several post like these on my other blog, but it needed to be on here too.

  3. Thanks for the tips. I have a baby blog right now but it is nice to know that sometime in the future I could earn money from it.


    1. You're welcome! Keep build high quality content and then start monetizing your blog.

  4. Thanks for including links and not just general facts. Pinned it so I can find it again later.

    1. You're welcome Cari! I hate it when people don't include links to back up their post.

  5. I suppose you'd have to have a really general site of content when you're flipping. I really only read blogs that have personal interest in them.

    1. That's true Lindsey, so like a niche type blog or website.

  6. This is a great roundup you have here :) I don't blog to make money necessarily, but I am not one to turn down an opportunity to make money when I can, either :)

    1. Yeah at first when I started blogging I did it for fun but when I seen other bloggers making a ton of money from their blog I started following their lead.

  7. As always - full of great tips chock full of information!

    1. Thank you so much Antionette! I'm like the information Queen!

  8. These are all great money making tips! I primarily do reviews/sponsored posts. I'm just really blessed that I can give back to my family and still be at home with my son. Thanks for the great post!

  9. Fabulous tips!! I need to check out the list of ad companies. I'm almost ad free on my page.. need some extra income ;)

  10. Great tips! I actually have been leery of the donation button and many people have said it's "in poor taste." To me, I don't see anything wrong with it!

    1. I don't see nothing wrong with it but I know readers may mistaken it as you got to pay something. I had the button on my other blog and got a donation once.

  11. I am going to bookmark this and hope to study it later...

  12. I am keeping this post for my records. Well done at putting all this info together.

  13. This is a fantastic post. I love that you took so much time and made sure to include links for your readers. Thank you! - Tracey @ Just a Trace

  14. Love posts like this one! So informative and I book mark them all too.

  15. Great info! Thanks for sharing.

  16. These are great ideas! It takes a lot of work to make money blogging.

  17. Thanks for sharing all these ideas Louida! I've pinned this so I can find it later and I'll try to keep adding 1-2 of these every once in awhile to increase my income.

  18. Great ideas, thanks for sharing. I'm pinning.


  19. This is great information. I have recently started to monetize my blog after doing it as a way to engage with my clients and followers for the last 4 years

  20. Those are some great tips and good advice. Thanks for sharing!!

  21. Great advice, especially for bloggers who are looking to start monetize their blogs. I've made money through sponsored posts and some affiliate links. There are a few companies that I just can't work with (such as Amazon) because of the state I live in (NC) and crazy laws. Oh how I wish those laws/tax issues weren't in place!

    1. don't give up hope! amazon and ct didn't play nice together and then started up in the fall of 2013

      and i officially made more last year blogging from home than i ever did working out side the home. not bad. still home with my kids!

    2. I know if you would like to make money from Amazon and if you're from a state that doesn't allow Amazon affiliates, you can write over on Squidoo and Hubpages and they have Amazon modules you can add on your articles and make money. Only thing is you split your commission with them.

  22. Great tips! I need to get more into affiliates. I would love to flip sites too.

    1. I heard people make some good income doing it!

  23. I've been blogging for over 8 years. Old ways to make money evolve and new ways pop up all the time.

    1. I've been blogging for about 7 years. There is always something new to learn about making money blogging.

  24. Nice roundup. It could be very helpful for someone new to monetizing their blog. - Jenn @ The Rebel Chick

  25. These are great tips! Very helpful. I use a couple of affiliate marketing sites but haven't had too much luck monetizing in that way.

    1. If you have a blog post with a lot of traffic make sure to add a affiliate link to it.

  26. Thanks for sharing this information! Blogging is tough work and a huge learning curve but it can be very profitable too!

  27. I knew someone that sold their blog, but I had no idea how they did it! THanks for sharing these tips.

  28. Lots of great tips here! It took me over 1 year before I even realized that I could monetize my blog. I started it for personal reasons, then I figured out I could make a little money at the same time.

  29. Great tips, thanks! I'll bookmark

  30. This is a great post. I did one affiliate link, and it still gets me credits for the store (and that was over 6 mos. ago). :)

    1. Yep, that's the power of using affiliate links! :-)

  31. Congrats to you! Thats a major step in blogging. I love my choice to blog and make an income!

    1. Thanks Dina! It's so rewarding to turn your blog into a business!

  32. I don't currently do affiliate content, but may start soon. However, I am going to check out your master list of sponsored post companies. Thanks!

  33. It's craz to think there are so many ways to turn this hobby into a thriving business.

    1. Yep it's possible as long as you continue to work hard at it and learn the latest trends.

  34. Anonymous6:15 PM

    great ideas especially for those just starting. it's great to turn a hobby into income

  35. I really need to get into affiliate marketing more. It's the one area I haven't tapped into and I just know I'm missing out on profits!

    1. Yes you're missing out on a lot of passive income.

  36. These are great tips and really good advice. Thanks for sharing!!

  37. Love all of the tips! Right now I so sponsored posts and have ads but my ad money kinda stinks!

    1. Angie start joining affiliate companies, you can start earning passive income.

  38. Great tips. It's definitely possible to make a nice income from blogging-- it seems that has also become a little more challenging since bloggers are popping up all over the place. But great tips and I'm a witness that it's possible!

    1. I'm happy that I was able to start blogging at a time when it wasn't popular yet. That helped me build my authority and helped me rank faster whenever I post so I don't have to work as hard as new bloggers.

  39. These are all great ideas. I've never heard of selling a blog before?!

    1. Yes you can sell your blog if you owe it.

  40. these are all great ways to monetize your blog. I have done quite a few but have yet to write an ebook

  41. I bookmarked your page. What great tips and I really appreciate the time you took to help others achieve their goals with blogging. thank you

  42. Right now I am doing paid post (but have a hard time finding them) and I am also selling ad space. I never thought of the donate thing though!

    1. Yeah you can add a donate button on your blog. You never know, your reader may donate to you.

  43. Sponsored posts are the easiest and best paying, if you can find them. I do a bit of all of the above except sell my own stuff.

  44. I have shared, pinned, liked, whatever you could do. Will be using this as a resource! Thank you!

  45. I've never heard of Flippa but I have heard of flipping blogs. I don't know if I support that but I do LOVE sponsored posts :)

    1. Yeah but if you ever decided to stop blogging you can use Flippa.com to sell your blog, you just have to be the owner of the blog it can't be through sites like Blogger.

  46. This post is so informative. Thank you for sharing all of these ideas and resources!

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