Happy Birthday to Me! Last Year in my 30s!

Happy Birthday to Me!  Last Year in my 30s!

I can't believe it; this will be my final year in my 30s!  This past decade was filled with highs and lows, and it showed me that I have grown so much through it all.

In year 38, I stayed focused on keeping up with my health and wellness journey, and I'm happy to say that I am the healthiest I've been in such a long time!

I'm still going to the gym several times a week, eating healthy, and losing about 40lbs.  I'm proud of myself for achieving my goals, and I can't wait to see how much more progress this year will be.

Still, I limit my social media use, so I don't get sucked into the rabbit hole of negativity and fear.  I want to ensure that I am not only taking care of my health but that my mental health is also okay.

And physically, I want to ensure I'm giving much of my attention to my daughters.  This year, they started attending a new school, and it's been a bit of a struggle.

You see, my daughters have been in public school all of their lives, and we as a family realized that they needed to be in private school due to public school not having the same values and safety reasons.

Private school is a whole other world compared to public.  

When my daughters were attending public high school, I would witness drug deals, drug use, several school shooting scares, and political disruption.

Plus, I noticed a change in my daughters' behavior, as if they were unhappy, stressed, and uninspired, which would show in their grades.

So, I spent a lot of time researching private schools near me and the steps for them to transfer to one.

We did private school visits, got their transcripts in order, I taught them how to do a school interview, and prepared them for testing.

A lot goes into applying for a private school, similar to applying for college.  

They both aced the interview and got accepted into the first private school of their choice.

Even though this should be a happy occasion, it wasn't all smiles and celebration.  My daughters were not adjusting well to their new school due to not knowing anyone and the school's teaching style.

So many tears from my daughters and feeling like they made the wrong decision.  But I had to assure them that things may not seem okay now, but give it some time to settle in, and they'll start making friends and getting the hang of the curriculum.

You may wonder, what is the difference between public and private schools?

Private schools are much more structured, have smaller classroom settings, get individual attention, freshly prepared lunch, keep students engaged, and prepare them for college while teaching them how and where to apply for scholarships.  And most importantly, a safe environment.

It's been over a month, and each week seems to improve.  So, I pray that this private school will fit them right.  

And with the girls being in private school, it's a considerable expense for us, more than my mortgage!  So, it makes me more determined to continue to excel with my blog.  I'm thankful I'm in the position to be able to pay for private school and fund my current lifestyle.

I thank God for leading me on the path that has helped me better myself and my family.  And I look forward to ending the year 39 strong!  

Happy Birthday to me!

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  1. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Happy Birthday Lou! I hope you have a wonderful day celebrating. Your girls are so smart and I’m sure they will do well. The adjustment period is always the hardest. My son felt the same way when he left private. He eventually adjusted.

  2. Happy Birthday! Age is merely the number of years the world has been enjoying you! BTW, My birthday is on September 22.

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