Working for Myself: Six Month Update

Lou Martin
Working for Myself: Six Month Update   via
Shirt and pants- NY and Company (Old)  Shoes- I don't remember

Hey Yall!  So, I made it through 6 months of working for myself without an outside job.  My life has been completely different, like a big 360 change; it took some time for me to get adjusted to it, but I'm getting the hang of it.

Working for yourself is great in all, but very isolating.  I find myself feeling alone and lonely often while at home.  It made my anxiety worse, but when I went on my girls trip this past month, I came to the realization of how blessed I am, and how far I've come.  No need to sit back and worry myself to death, God helped me through this journey and carried me through it all.  He's not going to stop working his magic, as long as I continue to have faith.

Money wise for my blog, it's been holding steady.  Good thing I don't have to rely on sponsorships, because man, that kind of income can be so unpredictable.  One month you can be making thousands, following month you can be barely making anything.  Passive income is the way to go!  Creating your own product is the way to go too.  The only product I have is my eBook; I really need to start promoting it more again.  I have so many people asking how I started blogging, and what ways to make income with it and my book explain all of that.  If you haven't purchased it, you better!  It cost less than a grande size cup of coffee at Starbucks.

Working for yourself teaches you how to manage your money and save for rainy days.  I've been turning into a bit of a tightwad when it comes to my money; coupons have become my friend, and I've been watching sales closely to save a few dollars.  Also, since I'm responsible for continuing to make money every month, it makes me hustle harder.  Entrepreneurship gives you that hunger, the drive, to keep achieving your goals, and learning new ways to expand your business.

As I mentioned about isolation, I find an escape from home going to my local library.  It gives me some normalcy being around different people.  Some people are there doing the same thing as me; they have home businesses but wanting to do some of their work outside the home.  When I go to the library, I don't go there to work all the time; I find a quiet place to do some reading.  I'm now starting to read motivational, uplifting books, to help me keep a positive mindset.  Do you have any recommendations of books I should read?

Now, working from home I'm not completely alone all the time, I have my girls to keep me company.  I bet you see us always on the go somewhere.  I love going out places with them, and this is such the perfect age, I'm not dealing with crying babies, as well as not dealing with wild teens, yet.

Summer break is here; the girls are at home all day now.  During the summer months, they use to be in daycare when I worked my outside job.  With this being the first year being with them during their break I found myself not wanting to work trying to keep them entertained all the time.  I started getting behind on my work, becoming uninspired.  Also, it's been hard to go to the gym during the week with them being home.  I took them to the gym with me one time, and they weren't having it because they couldn't join in with my workouts.  All they did was complain sitting there watching me.  Also, they been nagging me about being hungry every 30 minutes and being bored when we don't go out.

I had to come to terms that the girls are going to have to go to daycare at least a couple of days a week to give me a break.  I know the whole reason why leaving my job was to be with them full time, but it's become so hard to balance it all.  It makes me feel guilty, but when you don't have support, you got to do what's best.

Let me share some of my wins these past six months!  I went viral a couple of times (I'm going viral now on Pinterest as I write this), been featured in a publication that is read by millions of people, interviewed an A-list celebrity, I became an ambassador for XFINITY, and partnered with JCPenney.  I even have different top beauty brands reach out to me all the time.  Now, with me always traveling, I'm working on partnering with travel brands.  I believe families need to take vacations together; it helps to grow their bond stronger and broaden their horizon.  I want to showcase a variety of travel destinations that are family-friendly, as well as show some hot spots for getaways.  Stay tuned; I have a big press trip coming up in August.  I'm too excited about it!

Sharing my wins shows me that I have made the right decision of working for myself, it's freeing, and I feel so accomplished of all that I've done with my blog.  I can't stress enough, if you have a passion, turn it into a business.  Keep consistent with it, and stay true to yourself.  Never compare yourself with others, make sure to surround yourself with like-minded, positive people that will keep you uplifted and motivated.

Blogging is hard work, but well worth it.  The rewards are endless and life-changing.

Working for Myself: Six Month Update   via

Thank you y'all for all your love and support!

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  1. Lou one of the best books I've gotten lately is called "You're A Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Live an Awesome Life" by Jen Sincero. I have the audiobook and it's amazing! There are some great motivational techniques and when the author breaks down how we're apart of God and all that he created, makes you truly believe in yourself. I recommend it!!

    1. That title alone makes this book sound inspiring. I'm going to check for it on Amazon today.

      And I know I told you this on Facebook, but thank you for all your support over the years. You are one of my biggest supporters, and I really appreicate you. Can you believe it, we've been knowing each other since Squidoo days! Wow!

  2. I am so proud of you, Lou! You are an inspiration for me!

  3. I use to get down about the isolation but I have always been a loner it just makes me feel down when I look up and see others having lunch or getting together. Then I say...hmmm if I was so deep into my work I wouldn't have time to look up lol. Have some blog buddies that get it do a mastermind with you once a week. I connect with a few and we do mastermind sessions through google, Facebook, or text. We even meet up once a month for a getting work done session. utilize your core group of people and reach out sometimes meeting up at panera is a good thing to get your juices flowing. Anytime you want to meet hit me up and lets get to it.

    1. A local mastermind group is a great idea! Only group I'm in that meets once a month is my auto group, and I attend those sometimes. As for blogging groups, I don't know anyone that blogs close to me. I wish I wasn't so far from Atlanta where all the bloggers are at.

      I would love to meet up with you Kita, and still interested in getting my photos done with you. I'm gunning for September before my birthday.

  4. I am loving your new life too - I need to get my eBook published as well but so much going on. I wish you many more years of happiness and success - as a matter of fact, I wish you a lifetime of happiness and success sis!

    1. I've been enjoying yours too Sis! You're the hardest worker I know!

  5. I so proud of you Lou! It's so inspiring to watch your journey. I know that you're just getting started and I am so happy that you took this leap. I know it's not easy and I am working on getting there so it's inspiring to see where you are. As for the kids, I know exactly how you feel. Today was my kids first day at home and I felt bad that I had work to do so much so that I didn't get as much done. All the best to you and I am looking forward to your one year update.

    1. Aww thank you girl!!! Thanks for following my journey! I've been enjoying your journey and growth as well.

  6. I'm happy to hear you are doing great with your business. It is hard to get work done when you have your kids all day. I'm sure your kids will enjoy daycare a few days a week.
    A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle us a good read about being present. Trying to stay in the present is great for people who who about the future. When I start to worry I have to remind myself to be present because none of my worries are happening now so I just need to focus on the now.

    1. Thanks girl! Now that sounds like a book I need, because I consistently worry about what the future holds, instead of enjoying the present.

  7. I read your post about working for yourself and I was inspired. I, myself, am thinking about starting a blogging business and wanted to know how did you know it was right for you? What was your process and how did you make it successful in all aspects from gaining follower to making money from your blog? As to books I have read to motivate me are , "Act Like A Success, Think Like A Success" by Steve Harvey. There are books by T.D.Jakes that are good self help books. Also Lisa Nicholas have written some amazing books to help with motivation and following your passion.

    1. Hey Tamika,

      I knew it was right when I enjoyed doing it all the time, it didn't feel like a job. I made sure my income stayed consistent for 3 years before I made the leap to working for myself full-time.

      What has helped me with traffic was building a community, learning SEO because I mainly receive traffic from search engines, and staying consistent with it. It took years, I started blogging in 2008 before blogging became popular. It was easier to build traffic back then, so that's a huge reason why I'm successful today.

      Thanks for sharing your book list. I'll be checking into those.

  8. I'm so proud of you Lou. You got this! I have been doing it for six years now and the only downside is isolation. I do send my kids to daycare five days a week so I can work and they can get their education on and it works out great. I can't wait to see your one year update as I am sure you have plenty of good things coming your way soon.

  9. I am so happy for you.I remember I found you via Sverve and finally this is a site I frequently visit.The ideas you've shared are awesome and there are tips for me too.I like your idea of passive income which can be steady over months.As you said sponsored posts are not a way of good income as it can vary month to month.And,the idea of library is the best idea I found.Currently,as a stay at home mom,I find it is really difficult to find time for the blog as my son is still below 3 years and I am the only one at home during day time.
    Anyway,while taking some advice and ideas from this post,I wish you all the success as a professional blogger!Hope to see more success in near future!

  10. Congrats to you!! I just went back to work after working for myself for a few years. I didn't feel I made enough money. I really prefer working for myself and hope that I can go back to it after I sharpen my skills. It takes a lot of dedication to work for yourself, kudos!!

  11. This is great Lou! I'm so glad you decided to take the leap of faith and it's cool seeing you blossom. I'm trying to be like you one day sis! ;)

  12. You inspire me so much Lou. I hope you know you are doing a great job as a mum and a blogger. Im a new blogger, and I learn so much from you. Kindly follow my blog too.Keep soaring higher.thx

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