What Are My Fish Up to When We're on Vacation?

Lou Martin
What Are My Fish Up to When We're on Vacation?  via  www.productreviewmom.com
Disclosure: Post sponsored by XFINITY, but all opinions are my own. Please see below for additional disclosure.

Travel, one of my favorite things to do.  I love to explore, see new things, meet new people, and having bonding time with my family.  Traveling also helps me to renew, refresh, and hit the ground running when I return home.  But need a few days to recuperate, traveling can make you restless.

Lately, there has been talks from the girls wanting to have another pet.  One week they want a ferret, following week they change their minds and want a dog, a week after that they want a rabbit.  Goodness, they want our home to become a zoo!

I became tempted in getting a puppy because I had dogs growing up, having pets taught me about responsibility and making sure my pets were taken care of, but with us traveling all the time I feel it's unfair to a dog to leave him behind with a pet sitter all the time.  Times are changing, and hotels are becoming more pet-friendly, but I want to spend my vacations unbothered by a pet.

What Are My Fish Up to When We're on Vacation?  via  www.productreviewmom.com

As you all know, I have fish that are a part of our family.  I don't know what I would do without them; I treat them like they are one of my children.  I talk to them, spoil them, and sing to them.  When I'm home alone, I stand and watch my fish for hours.

What Are My Fish Up to When We're on Vacation?  via  www.productreviewmom.com

When my family and I travel, we leave our fish behind with feeder blocks that last for up to a week or leave them with plants to tide them over until we return.

About a couple days in during our vacation, I start to think about what the fish are doing, wondering if they're doing okay.  You see, there have been many times we return home to find our fish sick.  I immediately go to their rescue cleaning and treating the tank.  These fish sure have put me through a lot, but the love I have for them it's all worth it.  Having fish as pets is so soothing to the soul.  It's like they give an instant relaxation effect in the room.  That's why you often see aquariums in spas.

Have you ever wondered what your pets are up to when you're not around?  XFINITY Home continuous 24-hour video monitoring system, you can see what fun antics your pets are up to.  With the newly introduced 24/7 Video Recording, you can now record, rewind and review up to 10 days of footage in and around your home. Google Fiber can’t do that.  Also, having a monitored alarm system could lower your homeowner's insurance by up to 20%!

With me always worrying about what my fish are up to while we're away, this reminds me of the new movie coming out in theaters July 8th, The Secret Life of Pets.  When the pet owners leave home, their pets let loose and get into everything.  I can't wait to see this with the girls, looks like it'll have me laughing, and having me curious if my fishes are acting wild when we step out the door.

XFINITY has many different entertainment and movies just like The Secret Life of Pets for their customers too, like Shrek and The Minions.

XFINITY partnered with bloggers such as me for this program. As part of this program, I received compensation for my time. They did not tell me what to purchase or what to say about any product mentioned in these posts. XFINITY believes that consumers and bloggers are free to form their own opinions and share them in their own words. XFINITY’s policies align with WOMMA Ethics Code, FTC guidelines and social media engagement recommendations. 

Have you ever wonder what your pets are up to when you're away?

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  1. Cute fish. We have a betta fish name Scout. Can't wait for that movie to come out. We've been waiting for it. We saw a preview for it back in Dec when we saw Alvin & the Chipmunks.

    1. Thanks Kimberly! I can't wait to see the movie too!

  2. I didn't know that Xfinity had that program. It would have come in handy when we had our pet.

    1. I just recently found out myself. Great program to have, especially if you travel a lot like me. Helps keep your home protected.

  3. I wish we were able to take care of fish. My kids enjoy their pet fish when they were alive and they want some more. However, I don't want them disappointmented again when they die because we don't really know how to keep goldfish alive.

    1. The upkeep of goldfish is hard work. They are so dirty and must have their tank cleaned weekly. But they are wonderful pets to have; no need to worry about who is going to watch them when you step away.

  4. Beautiful fish.It is good to have such service,so that pet owners can have peaceful holidays while keeping eye on the pets.

  5. Yeah pets can be a burden sometimes when you are traveling. We usually have to take our dog with us when we go somewhere. Our fish on the other hand do great. I don't really think they miss us all that much. LOL!

    1. I would love to have a dog, but that's the only reason why I don't get one because I would have to bring him/her with us.

  6. I'm just imagining your fish having a party when you are away #Productreviewparty

    1. LOL! Now that would be funny if they were!

  7. I agree fish are having a party and you know it! lol I realy like this idea though, we have Xfinity, but haven't tried Xfinity home, yet, it would be great to know what the dogs are up too when were away. :)

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