Product Review Mom 2015: A Year in Review

Lou Martin
Product Review Mom 2015: A Year in Review

Hey Yall!  How did 2015 treat you?  I hope you were able to achieve your goals this year.  I have!  And I'm very proud of my accomplishments!  2015 was the year to get me ready to become a full-time entrepreneur!  Yes folks, I have left my job right before Christmas, and my blog is now solely my income, besides Mr. M's income.  But don't worry, I planned things out and saved an huge chunk of my money for rainy days. 

Working for yourself is a risk, but I'm willing to take it because I want to be my own boss and follow my own rules, plus I want to spend more time with my girls.  My girls have wanted me to participate in their school functions a lot more and join them for lunch.   I'm so glad I'm able to do all of this now.

But I will admit, I'm scared.  Afraid of failing, even though I've been blogging since 2008.  I have never worked for myself without having an outside job for backup just in case blogging doesn't work out for me.  I'll need to be hustling harder now.  No more sitting back feeling comfortable, time to take the leap out of my comfort zone.  Comfort zones lead to nowhere.

2015 for has been the year of travel.  I remember telling Mr. M a long time ago that I want our family to start traveling, seeing the world and create memories together.  I wanted to have this blog be the place to get family travel ideas and ways of saving money on travel.  I've noticed that there isn't a lot of African American family travel represented, so I wanted to showcase that here on my blog as well as on my social networks.

And boy, did my family and I do a lot of traveling!  We traveled almost every single month!  I showed all the good and also the bad.  Not every trip was perfect, we learned about what went wrong, so we can make it better for next time.

So you're probably wondering, what was my favorite place I traveled to this year?

This year, the family and I visited a lot of beaches, so it's no surprise that my favorite trip is a beach location.   *Drum Roll Please*

My favorite place I traveled to this year was Myrtle Beach!!!!!!  My family and I have still been talking about it and making plans to go back again soon and we will for our annual End of the Year trip.  Before I visited Myrtle Beach, I thought it would be just a regular ol' beach town, but I was wrong; Myrtle Beach has so many different attractions, restaurants, entertainment that the whole family would enjoy.   You got to be there over a week to take it all in.

What are my plans for 2016?  

My goal is to continue to keep learning about the ever-evolving blogosphere.  Even though I been in this blogging game for years, I still have a lot to learn.  I'll be giving blog conferences another try and start networking more with other bloggers and brands face to face.

I still want to continue traveling while blogging about my experiences.  Travel posts seem to do the best here on my blog, and I'm happy y'all been enjoying what I love so much.

I have been debating on should I start doing videos since I'll have a lot more time on my hands.  I do not know a thing about editing videos, so I was thinking about vlogging while I'm out, creating spare of the moment videos.  Or maybe just haul videos since you know how I like to shop!  What do you think?

I'll still be reviewing products, sharing ways to make extra money from home, local Atlanta events, and gift ideas.

2016 is looking like an exciting year since I'm embarking on a new journey.  I hope you all travel along with me!

Before I go, I must give shoutouts to my blogging boos that have been so supportive throughout my blogging journey, I can't thank them enough! 

CHEERS TO 2016!!!!!!

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  1. Congrats Lou!.. Myrtle Beach was my second guess:-) You are an inspiration lady!
    I'm very excited for you and your new adventure. You will do well because you have spent time planning. Everything we do needs a plan--- in my project manager voice.
    Well done and just know I'm here to support you. God Bless..

    1. I'm glad to have met you last year Janet. You have been such a great supporter and letting people know about my blog. Thank you so much! I'm happy to call you my friend!

  2. Myrtle Beach is definitely not the traditional beach town. I love that there's so much to do there for all age groups. I definitely think you should give vlogging a try. It's fun and honestly video editing isn't that hard depending on the software you decide to go with. I'm looking forward to 2016 and all of the changes that will be coming to my blog, vlog and family life!

    1. True, Myrtle Beach is definitely not a traditional beach town.

      So you think I should start doing videos? I'm going to start studying on it, especially when it comes to editing. I did a couple in 2015, but I want to go all in.

      Many success with you and your blog!

  3. Lou, you had such an amazing year and I love to see you and the girls travel. I know that 2016 will be wonderful for you and your business. Now, I have to visit Myrtle Beach, I'm going to put it on our family's bucket list.

    1. Thanks girl!!! 2015 was a big year for you! You were doing such amazing things, 2016 will be another amazing year for you!

      Yes, visit Myrtle Beach, you'll love it there.

  4. You had an AMAZING YEAR!!! It's been so wonderful to see you grow! I know you are going to take it to the next level
    Now that you can devote ALL of your time to it! And yes, DO Video!! And thanks for the shout out!!!

    1. Thanks LaShawn! I loved following along with your blog, you give me inspirations with taking better photos. I've been implementing your tips.

      I'll be giving video a shot.

  5. What an awesome year! I'm so excited for what 2016 holds for you and the family! All the best sis and yes to videos!

    1. Thanks so much Robin! Thank you for always being so supportive!

  6. Congrats on all of your accomplishments. I'm so excited for you! I have been doing YouTube videos for a few months and editing is really the hardest part. I'm currently using the windows movie maker that comes with windows but it is extremely basic. If you find something that works well for you, please share 😊

    1. Thanks girl! I'm glad I met you in 2015!

      I have Windows Movie Maker, but haven't checked it out yet. I'll be going that route until I start feeling comfortable in front of the camera.

  7. I'm looking forward to reading more from you in 2016. I enjoy your travel posts a lot and I can't wait to see where your family will go this year. Congratulations on being a full time entrepreneur. You definitely inspire me :)

    1. Thanks Sonya! Keep on blogging, you'll become a full-time blogger too.

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