How to Become a Paid Travel Review Blogger

How to Become a Paid Travel Review Blogger

Are you passionate about travel and love sharing your experiences with others?  Then, becoming a travel review blogger might be the perfect career path for you!  Not only does it allow you to see the world, but you can also earn an income by doing what you love.

Here are some tips on how to become a paid travel review blogger:

1. Find your Niche: Before embarking on your travel writing journey, it's crucial to identify your niche. This could range from budget travel to luxury, family, adventure, or foodie travel. By finding your niche, you'll attract a specific audience who share your interests and enjoy reading your content.  To get an idea, check out my family travel content.

2. Start a Blog: You need to create a blog and post regularly about your travel experiences. I started by sharing about my family travels that I paid for myself. This way, you'll have content to show potential travel clients when you're ready to start working with them. It helps you establish your brand.

3. Sign Up with Affiliate Programs and Ad Networks: Sign up with affiliate programs to earn money from your travel blog. You earn a commission when someone clicks your affiliate link and makes a purchase. Many affiliate programs offer travel options, like BrandCycle. Additionally, you can earn money from ad networks by displaying their ads. Mediavine is the ad network I prefer to use.

4.  Build a Following on Social and Email: After finding your niche and starting your blog, use social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter (now known as X) to engage with your audience and promote your content. Consistently post to keep your followers engaged and create a blog subscription email to notify them of new content.

5.  Be Honest and Authentic: As a travel review blogger, your thoughts must be authentic and original.  Don't sugarcoat your experiences, but also don't be overly negative.  Share your honest opinions and provide helpful tips and recommendations for your readers.

6.  Take High-Quality Photos and Videos: A picture is worth a thousand words, and as a travel review blogger, your images are just as important as your words.  Take high-quality photos of your travels and include them in your blog posts and social media content.  This will help your audience visualize your experiences and better understand the destinations you visit.  Also, create video content for those who don't have time to read and want a quick glimpse of your travels.

7.  Network with other Bloggers: Networking with other travel bloggers is a great way to grow your audience and learn from others in the industry.  Attend travel conferences and events, collaborate on projects, and guest post on each other's blogs to increase your exposure and reach.

8. Reach Out to Public Relations: Contact the tourism board if you need help traveling to a specific location. They can assist with media stays, press trips, and interviews.

By following these tips, you can become a successful travel review blogger and get paid to share your love of travel with others.  Remember to stay true to yourself and your passions, and your audience will follow.  Happy travels!

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  1. I have a section on my site for one but I am not a big travel person. I do love to travel though and I may ramp it up at a later date but I know it will be time consuming so I won't start until I can give it my all.

    1. Whenever you do travel, blog about it when you come home, that is how I got started. Once I had a couple of travel posts on my blog then I started seeking out companies to work with. But it is time consuming being a travel review blogger so you must have the passion for it.

  2. Thanks for the tips! I am thinking about adding a section for travel on my blog that includes places we have traveled to and will travel to. I would love to get into family travel blogging just a little.

    1. You should LaShawn. Whenever you travel just blog about it.

  3. Great tips. Love the Graphic. Travel blogs are good for learning more about the place before me and my family take the risk. Thats your passion continue.

    1. Thanks Patrice! I love to travel and seeing new things so I can discuss my thoughts on this blog.

  4. Thanks for this post! I am definitely interested in including more travel post on my blogs so this information really helps:-)

  5. Thank you for the tips Louida! I have reached out to a sea park and got admission for review. But now I am thinking of asking for hotel room next - do you usually ask for one night or more? Thanks

    1. You're welcome Paris! I usually request 1 to 2 night stay. Hotels will either give you a stays for free or give you a media rate. What ever place you want to travel to go on the city's travel bureau website and see if there is a media section and a PR company will contact different hotels for you to see if they're looking for media coverage.

    2. Thank you again! You're so helpful!

    3. You're welcome Paris!

  6. Thanks for sharing your tips Lou. Now that I am a mom, we will be doing more family friendly travel soon. This may be an angle I can use but I must admit, I am a little intimidated by the work although I know the vacations will be worth it especially for a family of 5.

    1. It seems intimidating at first when you start working with travel companies but it is pretty much the same as when you travel for pleasure anyway, it just that you're blogging about it and giving your opinions. Start out by blogging about your personal non sponsored travels.

  7. I love to travel and see new things. Perhaps I should write more about it! Thanks for the tips.

  8. I recently went on an all expense paid trip to New Orleans. I would love to be a travel blogger after that experience but I'm not sure if I have the time.

    1. That is so awesome Melody! You can be like me and be a part time travel blogger.

  9. Thanks so much for sharing this! One of the main reasons hubby and I started homeschooling is because we want to travel the world with our children. This might be a great way to start doing more of it :)

    1. Yep, now you'll have more time to travel.

  10. Love love love! Always learning, I love that you share with us how to get started on these types of things. Thanks again! Jen

  11. Great tips. Thank you for sharing some people find it hard to share specific info so I thank you because I wasn't sure where to start but I have to start somewhere!!

    1. You're welcome Mimi! I don't understand why other bloggers do not like to share information, we are all in this together! The more support the better and brands will really take notice of this.

  12. Great post. Thanks for sharing this information

  13. I have been thinking about this niche for my retirement years as I doubt that I'll ever stop blogging...I love it too much!

    1. You should do it! Travel blogging is fun and you did a great job reviewing the hotel you were at in LA.

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