Back to School Gear Your Kids Need During Back to School Shopping

Back to School Gear Your Kids Need During Back to School Shopping  via
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Going back to school is an exciting time. Moving up in grades and making new friends are all things to look forward to. Something else that you and your kids may look forward to is the new gear that you purchase when you are going back to school. Here are some back to school products that you should look at when doing your back to school shopping. 

Lunch boxes

The type of lunch box that your child carries will determine the type of lunch experience your kid will have. For example, bento lunch boxes allow your child to carry a little bit of everything, making a complete meal from smaller sides. With a large, traditional lunch box that offers a cooler, your child can carry refrigerated foods and a thermos to enjoy throughout the school day. 


A tablet is the hottest gadget for children, both at school and at home. Tablets are great as they are durable products and can be slipped into a backpack without taking much space. If you do elect to purchase a tablet for your student, make sure you go over the rules on usage during school time. Also, remember to utilize the parental controls that exist on devices and block all websites or games that you deem inappropriate. 

Water bottles

One of the more obscure items that tend to be forgotten on the back to school list is water bottles. Keeping children hydrated throughout the school day is important. Purchase a water bottle for your child that can easily be carried around but holds water for the day. Schools have water fountains to allow children access to water refills if necessary. 

Pencil case

Pencil cases are necessary to carry writing instruments back and forth. A hard pencil case is often left inside of the locker or the desk at school, while a soft-sided pencil case is kept inside of the backpack. Purchase a soft-sided pencil case for your child in order to bring home the necessary tools. Make sure that you take into account any large instruments, such as protractors, that your child must transport when selecting the size of the pencil case. 

Gym clothing

Some schools will have gym uniforms and others will require you to bring your own workout clothing from home. If your child needs gym clothing, choose breathable materials that allow your child to move comfortably while wearing them.  Cotton shirts, well-fitting sweatpants, and basketball shorts are the perfect gym outfit. Allow your child to take one pair of gym clothing to school at a time, and bring them home for a replacement after they have finished with them.

With a little preparation, you can have wonderful back to school gear in your child’s backpack and be 100% ready for the new school year. Make sure you look at the list of your child’s classes and activities, and purchase gear that will help to enrich their life both at school and at home. 

What back to school gear will your child be using this school year?

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  1. Getting a new backpack and lunch box had to be one of the most exciting things for me when I was in school. It was like the heavens open and rained school supplies. I still get a kick out of back-to-school sales.

    1. LOL! That's how it was for me when it came to having a new backpack. I must have a new one every year.

  2. Oh man school starts in less than 2 weeks for us!

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